Do you ever get up in the morning and everything is going pretty good until you step into the shower and the warm water starts to wake you up slowly? And then all of a sudden you start to think about what you are going to do for the day and you remember that you have to pay bills and that you are waiting on some form of income to come but it isn’t there yet? And then you start to think about the economy and the what a great job our politicians are doing and how your three year old could probably manage things better?

Is it only me? Well, I don’t have a three year old, but I do have a great new program that helps people empower themselves. Do you want to get past the anxiety and the stress of your routine and make sense out of things? Maybe take a closer look at why you believe what you believe? P.A.C.E. stands for:


You want to slow down a bit and look at your skill sets. Ask your “self” what is it that you really want to do in your life? Are you having to re-invent yourself? I think I have some some very enlightening ideas for you to ponder over. I will be having an introduction call to the PACE Your Self Empowerment System. And it is free to listen in. Join me on Wednesday, June 15th to hear more… the dial info is below.

Call now for more information at 866-714-9996

Dial In Number: +1 (775) 996-3560 or +1 (800) 741-4032 (U.S. only toll free) 

Room #: 721825  then press #.