Age Old Lessons

We are in a time where people are digging deep for answers to important questions in their lives. There is growing concern with the economy and world matters. I was reminded last night at a meeting that it is 2012 after all. (I survived Y2k and I plan on being here in...

To Be Challenged

This is a great quote by Sterling Hayden about the choices that we have in our lives. He was a famous actor in the day and he wrote a great novel called, “Voyage”. I read the book when I was thirteen years old while tuna fishing with my dad. Give this...

The Break of a New Dawn

I thank all of you who have responded to my post about my father and I find it even more humbling that there were so many kind words and thoughts. He was a very well liked and respected man and Tim was a funny and very nice kid. I remember that moment like yesterday....